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Bronze 308 Win 147gr

PMC Bronze 308 Win 147gr
PMC Bronze 308 Win 147gr
Kategorie: Munition - Munition Langwaffen
Kaliber: .308 Win
Zustand: neu
Achtung! Gefahr durch Feuer oder Splitter, Spreng- und Wurfstücke. Von Hitze, heißen Oberflächen, Funken, offenen Flammen sowie anderen Zündquellenarten fernhalten. Nicht rauchen.
Warning! Fire or projection hazard. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking.


Here is the .308 military-grade ball ammo you’ve been looking for! PMC’s 308B 147 grain 308 Winchester FMJ ammo is ready to run through your favorite semi-auto or bolt action .308 caliber rifle. The 147-grain FMJ boat tail bullet is perfect for range use and training, and ships in a handy 500 round case (25 boxes per case, 20 rounds per box).

PMC makes ammo for law enforcement and military users all around the world, which means you aren’t just getting cheap blasting ammo here. Instead, you are getting a premium quality .308 Winchester round that has proven itself through hard service over many decades.

Designed to be compatible with 7.62 NATO chambered guns, this ammo moves at 2780 feet per second and generates 2522 foot-pounds of energy. It is an ideal choice for range use and training due to the FMJ-BT bullet and is ideal for popular semi-auto rifles. Buy in bulk and save with the 500 round case that keeps you shooting longer at the range.

Imported from Korea, this ammo features a reloadable, non-corrosive boxer primed brass case, and is made of all new materials in a state-of-the-art military contractor facility. Don’t forget to get an extra case to put aside for later, you can never have too much .308!

Ab 500 Schuss 490€

Dieses Produkt wurde vor dem 13.12.2024 auf dem Marktplatz bereitgestellt. Für Hersteller- und Sicherheitsinformationen wenden Sie sich an den anbietenden Händler.

ACHTUNG: Zum Kauf dieses Produkts ist die Vorlage der Erwerbsberechtigung erforderlich !!!

Je Box 20 Schuss 25,00 EUR*1

Artikelnr.: sofort verfügbar auch Lieferung möglich!


WSK Waffen Sprenger Kirchdorf
Klaus Sprenger

Hochstraße 1
93348 Kirchdorf (Bayern)

WERBUNG Sicherer Waffen-Versand mit OVERNITE! Overnite Waffenversand


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*1inkl. MwSt.; zzgl. Versandkosten
*2differenzbesteuert gemäß §25a UStG.;MwSt. nicht ausweisbar; zzgl. Versandkosten